Stephanie Dolgoff

About Me

I am a New York City lifer, for better (the most amazing humans wind up here) and worse (still working on that driving thing.) My friends and I lived the urban version of the GenX childhood mix of danger and mostly benign parental neglect. I was the responsible one who didn’t partake and made sure what we did was merely dumb and not dangerously so. I attended the United Nations International School and then headed to Bronx Science and Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.

Early in my career it clicked that the people you work with are far more important than how prestigious your employer is, where you think the job will take you, and too a certain degree, even what you do all day.

Somehow, by choosing jobs based on whether my boss seemed like a nice person and whether I could learn from her, I wound up where I belonged and as one of the relatively few people who love what they do. I have worked at many major women’s magazines, always with excellent, smart, curious, talented people who, like me, are constantly rolling with the changes to the media industry.

At this point my twins, Willow and Vivian, teach me far more than I teach them, which is great because I am freakin’ tired. Their turn! Willow is a drag performer and visual artist, and Viv is a writer and a senior at Sarah Lawrence. I live with my partner of 14ish years, Steve, and my soulmate, Smokey the schnauzer. We are all in New York City, and whenever we can be, in the Connecticut River Valley.